Time to Protect Those Who Matter Most

Donna Ilicic

Debt & Wealth Specialist | Legacy Banking

National Producer #: 16703760

Time to Protect Those Who Matter Most

Christian Plotegher

Licensed Broker & Senior Field Underwriter

National Producer #: 20195421

Final Expense

Final Expense insurance will cover you for life. Prices are locked and will never increase nor will your policy end. These policies are designed to ensure all funeral and other end-of-life expenses are covered.

Mortgage Protection

Mortgage protection insurance is a way to protect one of your most valuable assets in the event of a death. In the event of a death, the mortgage will be paid in full, so your family can keep the house

Whole Life Insurance

This type of permanent policy allows the insured to accumulate cash value in addition to their death benefit. It can be set up to help supplement your retirement plan.

Fixed Indexed Annuities

This is a safe way to participate in the market's gains while avoiding potential losses and securing your retirement.

What You’ll Get During This Free Consultation

During your call, you will be able to sit with a licensed professional who will be able to shop around the top carriers to find you not only the best coverage for your current situation but also at the best price available. No two people are the same, and neither should your coverage. Let Christian help you to find your best options available.

About Donna Ilicic

Donna is the founder of Moda Business Solutions which was formed right at the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020. MBS is a one stop shop offering business owners cost saving resources in order to survive in these trying times. Some services include Gift & Loyalty Programs, Credit Card Processing, Financing, Social Media, Website Design, Visual Impact Menus, and so much more. Donna then became one of the founding members of EPIC LEGACY INSURANCE SOLUTIONS and Family Legacy Banking System mid 2022 to bring this invaluable solution to help individuals and business owners create their family legacy.

Born in Croatia and raised in Chicago, Donna graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a Finance Degree and soon after relocated to sunny San Diego. Holding a few insignificant jobs, Donna realized in her late teens that she is not cut out for Corporate America. She has been an entrepreneur since her early 20's buying her first business The Ultimate Dining Guide of San Diego, then partnered in an Import/Export company, and finally moving into sales as an Independent contractor for various companies.

Donna has had this burning question in her throughout her life wanting to know how the wealthy create their incredible wealth. This desire and search was catapulted after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad in 1998. The answer finally came 24 years later with Family Legacy Banking System. She is now excited to help everyone get out of the rat race and help educate both individuals and business owners how to Be Your Own Bank, eliminate Debt and create Wealth.

License Verification

National Producer #: 16703760

state license
state license

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Get Protection In Place!